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TICKET Scheduled for release on August 9
TICKET Scheduled for release on August 9


Since opening a gallery on the hillside of Mt. Yoshida overlooking Mt. Daimonji in Sakyo-ku, Kyoto in 2003, we have consistently introduced prints. We introduce a wide range of printmakers, from young to mid-career. For example, Asuka Irie, Kurumi Wakai, Shoji Miyamoto, Ryo Nishimura, Kanako Watanabe, Ayaka Yamada, and careers such as Yoshio Imamura and Kiyosumi Yamashita. There are various types of prints, and it is necessary to master the technique and have the artist’s own imagination. Printmaking techniques are also actively adopted by contemporary artists (for example, Lee U-Fan) to present fresh works. I would like to continue to feature artists who make full use of printmaking techniques to create creative and attractive works in this way. In addition, our shop is an art gallery with two atriums on the first basement floor, and there is a glass-walled storage room hanging from the ceiling in the center of the building, so please stop by and see the works in the collection.


〒606-8311 4, Kguraoka-cho, Yoshida,Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, JAPAN

Tel 075-754-0155
Email artzone@iris.eonet.ne.jp
Website http://www.kyoto-artzone-kaguraoka.com