Watanuki Ltd. / TOKI-NO-WASUREMONO was established in 1995 at Minami Aoyama (moved to Komagome in 2017) as a gallery and an art editor.
Introducing oil paintings, drawings, prints, photographs and sculptures by outstanding modern and contemporary artists, our gallery has hosted 360 exhibitions.
We have also participated in many art fairs in and out of Japan.
We publish print collections, photograph portfolios and exhibition catalogues. We also edition prints by architects as the one and only publisher in Japan.
Watanuki Ltd. runs a blog updated every day with numerous original essays by artists, researchers and collectors.

Address |
〒113-0021 LAS CASAS, 5-4-1, Hon-komagome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo JAPAN |
Tel | 03-6902-9530 | |
Le Corbusier
Tadao ANDO
Q Ei

Le Corbusier
H70 × W53 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
Le Corbusier, byname of Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, (born October 6, 1887, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland—died August 27, 1965, Cap Martin, France), internationally influential Swiss architect and city planner, whose designs combine the functionalism of the modern movement with a bold, sculptural expressionism. He belonged to the first generation of the so-called International school of architecture and was their most able propagandist in his numerous writings. In his architecture he joined the functionalist aspirations of his generation with a strong sense of expressionism. He was the first architect to make a studied use of rough-cast concrete, a technique that satisfied his taste for asceticism and for sculptural forms. In 2016, 17 of his architectural works were named World Heritage sites by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06

Shiro KURAMATA Cahier 1 (Collection of 10 Silkscreens)
H38 × W48 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
Born in Tokyo in 1934, studied in the living design department at Kuwasawa Design Institute. A world-class designer who discovered the potential of the latest science and technology since the late 1960s and presented innovative works. In 1965, he established the Kuramata Design Office and became famous for interior design collaborated with Tadanori YOKOO. Around this time, he began to create transparent and floating works using acrylic materials that he loved throughout his life, as if creating weightlessness in everyday space. He received the Mainichi Design Award and the Japanese Culture Design Award. He received the Order of Arts and Culture from the French Ministry of Culture. In 1991, he died of acute heart failure at the early age of 56.
In 1967, he gained attention for his interior design collaborated with Tadanori YOKOO.
Since around this time, he has been using acrylic material which he liked throughout his life.
He created transparent and floating works that felt like weightlessness in everyday space.
He gained worldwide recognition with the 1970 "Furniture in Irregular Forms" series.
1972 Mainichi Design Award
a new movement in Italian design by Ettre Sottosas, Jr., in 1981
Attending an exhibition in Memphis (Menphis) with Arata Isozaki, Michael Graves and others.
Received the 1981 Japanese Culture Design Award
1985 Homage to Josef Hoffmann Begin The Beguine Announcement
1986 How High The Moon Launch
1988 Miss Blanche Announcement
1990: Received the Order of Arts and Culture from the French Ministry of Culture.
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06

Shiro KURAMATA Cahier 3 (Silkscreen set of 10)
H38 × W48 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
Born in Tokyo in 1934, studied in the living design department at Kuwasawa Design Institute. A world-class designer who discovered the potential of the latest science and technology since the late 1960s and presented innovative works. In 1965, he established the Kuramata Design Office and became famous for interior design collaborated with Tadanori YOKOO. Around this time, he began to create transparent and floating works using acrylic materials that he loved throughout his life, as if creating weightlessness in everyday space. He received the Mainichi Design Award and the Japanese Culture Design Award. He received the Order of Arts and Culture from the French Ministry of Culture. In 1991, he died of acute heart failure at the early age of 56.
In 1967, he gained attention for his interior design collaborated with Tadanori YOKOO.
Since around this time, he has been using acrylic material which he liked throughout his life.
He created transparent and floating works that felt like weightlessness in everyday space.
He gained worldwide recognition with the 1970 "Furniture in Irregular Forms" series.
1972 Mainichi Design Award
a new movement in Italian design by Ettre Sottosas, Jr., in 1981
Attending an exhibition in Memphis (Menphis) with Arata Isozaki, Michael Graves and others.
Received the 1981 Japanese Culture Design Award
1985 Homage to Josef Hoffmann Begin The Beguine Announcement
1986 How High The Moon Launch
1988 Miss Blanche Announcement
1990: Received the Order of Arts and Culture from the French Ministry of Culture.
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06

Poster of the Maison Franco-Japonaise 2
H28 × W32 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
帰国後も40人の所員と共にオフイスを構えながら、東京大学教授を務め、1989年まで教壇に立つ。現在に至るまで日本を含め、アメリカとヨーロッパで講演を続けている。 2008年には、建築と都市に関するエッセイ集Nurturing Dreams(MIT Press)を出版。
槇文彦は国内外で数々の賞に輝くなど高い評価を得ている。主な受賞歴は、1988にイスラエルのウルフ基金賞受賞、1990にトーマス・ジェファーソン建築賞受賞、1993年に国際建築家連合(UIA)ゴールドメダルとハーバード大学から贈られるプリンス・オブ・ウェールズ都市デザイン賞受賞、1999年に アーノルド・ブルンナー記念建築賞と高松宮殿下記念世界文化賞建築
多数ある受賞の中でも、最も建築家にとって名誉あるプリツカー賞を1993年に受賞し、2011年にはAIAアメリカ建築家協会から贈られる ゴールドメダルも受賞。2024年死去、享年95。
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06

Floating Feather (yellow)
H14 × W10 × D8 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
Born in Tokyo in 1934, studied in the living design department at Kuwasawa Design Institute. A world-class designer who discovered the potential of the latest science and technology since the late 1960s and presented innovative works. In 1965, he established the Kuramata Design Office and became famous for interior design collaborated with Tadanori YOKOO. Around this time, he began to create transparent and floating works using acrylic materials that he loved throughout his life, as if creating weightlessness in everyday space. He received the Mainichi Design Award and the Japanese Culture Design Award. He received the Order of Arts and Culture from the French Ministry of Culture. In 1991, he died of acute heart failure at the early age of 56.
In 1967, he gained attention for his interior design collaborated with Tadanori YOKOO.
Since around this time, he has been using acrylic material which he liked throughout his life.
He created transparent and floating works that felt like weightlessness in everyday space.
He gained worldwide recognition with the 1970 "Furniture in Irregular Forms" series.
1972 Mainichi Design Award
a new movement in Italian design by Ettre Sottosas, Jr., in 1981
Attending an exhibition in Memphis (Menphis) with Arata Isozaki, Michael Graves and others.
Received the 1981 Japanese Culture Design Award
1985 Homage to Josef Hoffmann Begin The Beguine Announcement
1986 How High The Moon Launch
1988 Miss Blanche Announcement
1990: Received the Order of Arts and Culture from the French Ministry of Culture.
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06

Poster of the Maison Franco-Japonaise 1
H28 × W32 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
帰国後も40人の所員と共にオフイスを構えながら、東京大学教授を務め、1989年まで教壇に立つ。現在に至るまで日本を含め、アメリカとヨーロッパで講演を続けている。 2008年には、建築と都市に関するエッセイ集Nurturing Dreams(MIT Press)を出版。
槇文彦は国内外で数々の賞に輝くなど高い評価を得ている。主な受賞歴は、1988にイスラエルのウルフ基金賞受賞、1990にトーマス・ジェファーソン建築賞受賞、1993年に国際建築家連合(UIA)ゴールドメダルとハーバード大学から贈られるプリンス・オブ・ウェールズ都市デザイン賞受賞、1999年に アーノルド・ブルンナー記念建築賞と高松宮殿下記念世界文化賞建築
多数ある受賞の中でも、最も建築家にとって名誉あるプリツカー賞を1993年に受賞し、2011年にはAIAアメリカ建築家協会から贈られる ゴールドメダルも受賞。2024年死去、享年95。
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06

Shiro KURAMATA Cahier 2 (Collection of 10 Silkscreens)
H38 × W48 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
Born in Tokyo in 1934, studied in the living design department at Kuwasawa Design Institute. A world-class designer who discovered the potential of the latest science and technology since the late 1960s and presented innovative works. In 1965, he established the Kuramata Design Office and became famous for interior design collaborated with Tadanori YOKOO. Around this time, he began to create transparent and floating works using acrylic materials that he loved throughout his life, as if creating weightlessness in everyday space. He received the Mainichi Design Award and the Japanese Culture Design Award. He received the Order of Arts and Culture from the French Ministry of Culture. In 1991, he died of acute heart failure at the early age of 56.
In 1967, he gained attention for his interior design collaborated with Tadanori YOKOO.
Since around this time, he has been using acrylic material which he liked throughout his life.
He created transparent and floating works that felt like weightlessness in everyday space.
He gained worldwide recognition with the 1970 "Furniture in Irregular Forms" series.
1972 Mainichi Design Award
a new movement in Italian design by Ettre Sottosas, Jr., in 1981
Attending an exhibition in Memphis (Menphis) with Arata Isozaki, Michael Graves and others.
Received the 1981 Japanese Culture Design Award
1985 Homage to Josef Hoffmann Begin The Beguine Announcement
1986 How High The Moon Launch
1988 Miss Blanche Announcement
1990: Received the Order of Arts and Culture from the French Ministry of Culture.
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06

Shiro KURAMATA Cahier 4 (Silkscreen set of 10 )
H38 × W48 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
Born in Tokyo in 1934, studied in the living design department at Kuwasawa Design Institute. A world-class designer who discovered the potential of the latest science and technology since the late 1960s and presented innovative works. In 1965, he established the Kuramata Design Office and became famous for interior design collaborated with Tadanori YOKOO. Around this time, he began to create transparent and floating works using acrylic materials that he loved throughout his life, as if creating weightlessness in everyday space. He received the Mainichi Design Award and the Japanese Culture Design Award. He received the Order of Arts and Culture from the French Ministry of Culture. In 1991, he died of acute heart failure at the early age of 56.
In 1967, he gained attention for his interior design collaborated with Tadanori YOKOO.
Since around this time, he has been using acrylic material which he liked throughout his life.
He created transparent and floating works that felt like weightlessness in everyday space.
He gained worldwide recognition with the 1970 "Furniture in Irregular Forms" series.
1972 Mainichi Design Award
a new movement in Italian design by Ettre Sottosas, Jr., in 1981
Attending an exhibition in Memphis (Menphis) with Arata Isozaki, Michael Graves and others.
Received the 1981 Japanese Culture Design Award
1985 Homage to Josef Hoffmann Begin The Beguine Announcement
1986 How High The Moon Launch
1988 Miss Blanche Announcement
1990: Received the Order of Arts and Culture from the French Ministry of Culture.
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06

Ryukyu Flowers and Birds -A Pheasant in Nirai Kanai
H92 × W117 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
1993 年、沖縄県北谷町生まれ。2010 年、沖縄県立芸術大学美術工芸学部絵画専攻(日本画コース)に入学。日本画を学びながら、学部3 年次から琉球絵画の研究を始める。2021 年に同大学院博士課程を修了し、現在は沖縄県立芸術大学の非常勤講師として働きながら県内外で作家活動を行っている。「琉球絵画の花鳥楽園」を一貫したテーマとして扱う。中国の影響を受けた琉球絵画の花鳥画には、中国から伝来した花と鳥の吉祥を意味する組み合わせが多く取り入れられ、人々の願いを込めて描かれていたことに関心を抱き、現代に通じる吉祥画題として、自らの作品にアレンジを加えながら取り入れている。琉球絵画の描法を積極的に取り入れ、伝統的な吉祥の画題を、現代の琉球絵画で描く楽園として制作していくことで、伝統と革新を試みている。
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06

Ryukyu Flowers and Birds -A peacock in Nirai Kanai
H131 × W96 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
1993 年、沖縄県北谷町生まれ。2010 年、沖縄県立芸術大学美術工芸学部絵画専攻(日本画コース)に入学。日本画を学びながら、学部3 年次から琉球絵画の研究を始める。2021 年に同大学院博士課程を修了し、現在は沖縄県立芸術大学の非常勤講師として働きながら県内外で作家活動を行っている。「琉球絵画の花鳥楽園」を一貫したテーマとして扱う。中国の影響を受けた琉球絵画の花鳥画には、中国から伝来した花と鳥の吉祥を意味する組み合わせが多く取り入れられ、人々の願いを込めて描かれていたことに関心を抱き、現代に通じる吉祥画題として、自らの作品にアレンジを加えながら取り入れている。琉球絵画の描法を積極的に取り入れ、伝統的な吉祥の画題を、現代の琉球絵画で描く楽園として制作していくことで、伝統と革新を試みている。
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06

Tadao ANDO
Row House, Sumiyoshi
H21 × W110 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
Tadao Ando was born in Osaka, Japan in 1941. He did not receive any formal architectural schooling. Instead, he self-educated by reading and traveling extensively through Africa, Europe, and the United States. In 1969 he established his own firm, Tadao Ando Architect & Associates. Ando developed a radically new architectural style characterized by the use of unfinished reinforced concrete structures. He has received many awards for his work. Since 1987 he has taught at various American universities including Yale, Columbia and Harvard.
From 1997 to 2005 he was teaching at the Graduate School of Architecture of Tokyo University. Since 2005 he has been a professor emeritus at Tokyo University.
As a printmaker, Tadao Ando published his first edition "Scene I & II" in 1984. In 1998, he made his representative work "Tadao Ando Prints 1998" that consisted of 10 pieces of prints.
- Wrightwood 659, Chicago (USA), 2018
- Pearl Art Museum, Shanghai (Cina), 2017
- Hill of the Buddha, Sapporo (Giappone), 2015
- JCC - Jaeneung Culture Center, Seul (Corea del Sud), 2015
- Wabi House, Puerto Escondido (Messico), 2014
- Aurora Museum, Shanghai (Cina), 2013
- The Museum SAN - Space Art Nature, Wonju (Corea del Sud), 2013
- Asia Museum of Modern Art, Wufeng, Taichung (Taiwan), 2013
- Bonte Museum, Seogwipo (Corea del Sud), 2012
- Rinnovamento Akita Museum of Art, Akita (Giappone), 2012
- Centro Roberto Garza Sada of Art Architecture and Design, Monterrey (Messico), 2012
- Capella Niseko Resort and Residences, Niseko (Giappone), 2010
- Restauro Punta della Dogana - Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea, Venezia (Italia), 2009
- Glass House e Genius Loci, Seopjikoji (Corea del Sud), 2008
- Saka no Ue no Kumo Museum, Matsuyama (Giappone), 2006
- Picture Book Museum, Iwaki (Giappone), 2005
- Chichu Art Museum, Naoshima, Kagawa (Giappone), 2004
- Langen Foundation, Neuss (Germania), 2004
- 4x4 house, Kobe (Giappone), 2003
- Ampliamento Modern Art Museum, Fort Worth (USA), 2002
- Show Room Armani, Milano (Italia), 2001
- Awaji-Yumebutai, Hyogo (Giappone) 2000
- Fabrica, centro di ricerca Benetton, Villorba (Italia), 2000
- Museo Daylight, Shiga (Giappone), 1998
- Museo della Cultura, Gojyo (Giappone), 1997
- Nagaragawa Convention Center, Gifu (Giappone), 1995
- Museo del legno, Hyogo (Giappone) 1994
- Museo Suntory, Osaka (Giappone), 1994
- Ampliamento del Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Naoshima (Giappone), 1994
- Sede seminari Vitra, Weil am Rhein (Germania), 1993
- Padiglione giapponese, Esposizione Universale di Siviglia (Spagna), 1992
- Museo delle Tombe, Kunamoto (Giappone), 1992
- Tempio dell’Acqua, Awajishima (Giappone), 1991
- Museo della Letteratura, Himeji (Giappone), 1991
- Museo dei Bambini, Himeji (Giappone), 1989
- Centro Commerciale Collezione, Tokyo (Giappone), 1989
- Chiesa della Luce, Ibaraki, Osaka (Giappone), 1989
- Cappella sull’Acqua, Tomamu (Giappone), 1988
- Cappella sul Monte, Rokko (Giappone), 1986
- Complesso residenziale Rokko Housing One (1983) e Housing Two (1993), Rokko (Giappone)
- Row House (Azuma House), Sumiyoshi (Giappone), 1976
- Abitazioni ad Osaka, Ashiya, Tokyo (Giappone), 1973-1986
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06

Title Unknown
H117 × W51 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
日米、二つの祖国をもった内間先生は浮世絵の伝統技法を深化させ「色面織り」と呼ぶ独自の技法を確立し、伝統的な手摺りで45度摺を重ねた『森の屏風 Forest Byobu』連作を生み出します。鮮やかな色彩のハーモニー、微妙なぼかしが入った色面が幾重にも重なる複雑な構成、多色にもかかわらず画面全体には静かな気品が漂う。
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06

Bottled Music #1~#14
H12 × W43 × D34 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
1992年ケルンでの「FLUXUS VIRUS」、1994年ニューヨークでのジョナス・メカスとパイクの共催による「SeOUL NYmAX」などに参加すると同時に、国内でも「フルクサス・メディア・オペラ」「フルクサス裁判」などのパフォーマンスや、「フルクサス・バランス」などの共同制作の視覚詩を企画する。
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06

Revolving Cabinet
H190 × W25 × D36 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
Born in Tokyo in 1934, studied in the living design department at Kuwasawa Design Institute. A world-class designer who discovered the potential of the latest science and technology since the late 1960s and presented innovative works. In 1965, he established the Kuramata Design Office and became famous for interior design collaborated with Tadanori YOKOO. Around this time, he began to create transparent and floating works using acrylic materials that he loved throughout his life, as if creating weightlessness in everyday space. He received the Mainichi Design Award and the Japanese Culture Design Award. He received the Order of Arts and Culture from the French Ministry of Culture. In 1991, he died of acute heart failure at the early age of 56.
In 1967, he gained attention for his interior design collaborated with Tadanori YOKOO.
Since around this time, he has been using acrylic material which he liked throughout his life.
He created transparent and floating works that felt like weightlessness in everyday space.
He gained worldwide recognition with the 1970 "Furniture in Irregular Forms" series.
1972 Mainichi Design Award
a new movement in Italian design by Ettre Sottosas, Jr., in 1981
Attending an exhibition in Memphis (Menphis) with Arata Isozaki, Michael Graves and others.
Received the 1981 Japanese Culture Design Award
1985 Homage to Josef Hoffmann Begin The Beguine Announcement
1986 How High The Moon Launch
1988 Miss Blanche Announcement
1990: Received the Order of Arts and Culture from the French Ministry of Culture.
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06

Floating Feather (white)
H14 × W10 × D8 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
Born in Tokyo in 1934, studied in the living design department at Kuwasawa Design Institute. A world-class designer who discovered the potential of the latest science and technology since the late 1960s and presented innovative works. In 1965, he established the Kuramata Design Office and became famous for interior design collaborated with Tadanori YOKOO. Around this time, he began to create transparent and floating works using acrylic materials that he loved throughout his life, as if creating weightlessness in everyday space. He received the Mainichi Design Award and the Japanese Culture Design Award. He received the Order of Arts and Culture from the French Ministry of Culture. In 1991, he died of acute heart failure at the early age of 56.
In 1967, he gained attention for his interior design collaborated with Tadanori YOKOO.
Since around this time, he has been using acrylic material which he liked throughout his life.
He created transparent and floating works that felt like weightlessness in everyday space.
He gained worldwide recognition with the 1970 "Furniture in Irregular Forms" series.
1972 Mainichi Design Award
a new movement in Italian design by Ettre Sottosas, Jr., in 1981
Attending an exhibition in Memphis (Menphis) with Arata Isozaki, Michael Graves and others.
Received the 1981 Japanese Culture Design Award
1985 Homage to Josef Hoffmann Begin The Beguine Announcement
1986 How High The Moon Launch
1988 Miss Blanche Announcement
1990: Received the Order of Arts and Culture from the French Ministry of Culture.
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06

Forest Byobu (Light Mirror,Water Mirror)
H46 × W71 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
日米、二つの祖国をもった内間先生は浮世絵の伝統技法を深化させ「色面織り」と呼ぶ独自の技法を確立し、伝統的な手摺りで45度摺を重ねた『森の屏風 Forest Byobu』連作を生み出します。鮮やかな色彩のハーモニー、微妙なぼかしが入った色面が幾重にも重なる複雑な構成、多色にもかかわらず画面全体には静かな気品が漂う。
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06

Tadao ANDO
Church of the Light
H21 × W110 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
Tadao Ando was born in Osaka, Japan in 1941. He did not receive any formal architectural schooling. Instead, he self-educated by reading and traveling extensively through Africa, Europe, and the United States. In 1969 he established his own firm, Tadao Ando Architect & Associates. Ando developed a radically new architectural style characterized by the use of unfinished reinforced concrete structures. He has received many awards for his work. Since 1987 he has taught at various American universities including Yale, Columbia and Harvard.
From 1997 to 2005 he was teaching at the Graduate School of Architecture of Tokyo University. Since 2005 he has been a professor emeritus at Tokyo University.
As a printmaker, Tadao Ando published his first edition "Scene I & II" in 1984. In 1998, he made his representative work "Tadao Ando Prints 1998" that consisted of 10 pieces of prints.
- Wrightwood 659, Chicago (USA), 2018
- Pearl Art Museum, Shanghai (Cina), 2017
- Hill of the Buddha, Sapporo (Giappone), 2015
- JCC - Jaeneung Culture Center, Seul (Corea del Sud), 2015
- Wabi House, Puerto Escondido (Messico), 2014
- Aurora Museum, Shanghai (Cina), 2013
- The Museum SAN - Space Art Nature, Wonju (Corea del Sud), 2013
- Asia Museum of Modern Art, Wufeng, Taichung (Taiwan), 2013
- Bonte Museum, Seogwipo (Corea del Sud), 2012
- Rinnovamento Akita Museum of Art, Akita (Giappone), 2012
- Centro Roberto Garza Sada of Art Architecture and Design, Monterrey (Messico), 2012
- Capella Niseko Resort and Residences, Niseko (Giappone), 2010
- Restauro Punta della Dogana - Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea, Venezia (Italia), 2009
- Glass House e Genius Loci, Seopjikoji (Corea del Sud), 2008
- Saka no Ue no Kumo Museum, Matsuyama (Giappone), 2006
- Picture Book Museum, Iwaki (Giappone), 2005
- Chichu Art Museum, Naoshima, Kagawa (Giappone), 2004
- Langen Foundation, Neuss (Germania), 2004
- 4x4 house, Kobe (Giappone), 2003
- Ampliamento Modern Art Museum, Fort Worth (USA), 2002
- Show Room Armani, Milano (Italia), 2001
- Awaji-Yumebutai, Hyogo (Giappone) 2000
- Fabrica, centro di ricerca Benetton, Villorba (Italia), 2000
- Museo Daylight, Shiga (Giappone), 1998
- Museo della Cultura, Gojyo (Giappone), 1997
- Nagaragawa Convention Center, Gifu (Giappone), 1995
- Museo del legno, Hyogo (Giappone) 1994
- Museo Suntory, Osaka (Giappone), 1994
- Ampliamento del Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Naoshima (Giappone), 1994
- Sede seminari Vitra, Weil am Rhein (Germania), 1993
- Padiglione giapponese, Esposizione Universale di Siviglia (Spagna), 1992
- Museo delle Tombe, Kunamoto (Giappone), 1992
- Tempio dell’Acqua, Awajishima (Giappone), 1991
- Museo della Letteratura, Himeji (Giappone), 1991
- Museo dei Bambini, Himeji (Giappone), 1989
- Centro Commerciale Collezione, Tokyo (Giappone), 1989
- Chiesa della Luce, Ibaraki, Osaka (Giappone), 1989
- Cappella sull’Acqua, Tomamu (Giappone), 1988
- Cappella sul Monte, Rokko (Giappone), 1986
- Complesso residenziale Rokko Housing One (1983) e Housing Two (1993), Rokko (Giappone)
- Row House (Azuma House), Sumiyoshi (Giappone), 1976
- Abitazioni ad Osaka, Ashiya, Tokyo (Giappone), 1973-1986
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06

Trailing Clouds C
H91 × W117 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
Born 1931 in Ibaraki Prefecture, Ay-O’s real name is Takao Iijima. He graduated from the Tokyo University of Education in 1954. Still in university in 1953, Ay-O participated in the Demokrato Artist Association established by fellow artist Ei-Q. He co-founded the art group Jitsuzaisha (“The Realists”) with Masuo Ikeda. Since his first visit to the US in 1958 he moved back and forth between America and Japan, and since 1962 actively took part in the avant-garde movement Fluxus. In 1971, he won the prize of the São Paulo Biennial, reflecting his international recognition.
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06

Q Ei
Title Unknown
H28 × W22 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
Q Ei, whose early work was done under his real name of Hideo Sugita, was born in Miyazaki Prefecture in 1911. At age 15, his criticism started appearing in the art magazines "Atelier" and "Mizue". Q Ei’s first collection of photo-dessins, was published in 1936 as "The Reason for Sleep" (Nemuri No Riyu). In 1937, he set up the art organization "Free Art Association" (Jiyu Bijutsu Kyokai). As to criticize the established public group and Japan art world, he set up "Democratic Artists Association" in 1951.
Q Ei had great influence among the young Japanese artists at that time such as Ay-O, Masuo IKEDA, Yukihisa ISOBE, On KAWARA, and Eikoh HOSOE. He challenged various medium such as oil paintings, photo-dessins, prints, and created a unique world of art. He died in 1960 at the age of 48.
"Ei-Q photo-dessins" (瑛九フォト・デッサン). 1936.[7]
"Ei-Q photo-dessins" (瑛九フォト・デッサン). 1951.[7]
"Dai ikkai Tōkyō kokusai hanga biennāre-ten" (第1回東京国際版画ビエンナーレ展, i.e. the first Tokyo international biennale of wood engravings). 1957.[7]
"Ei-Q kaiko-ten" (瑛九回顧展). 1970.[7]
"Modanizumu no kōseki: Onchi Kōshirō, Ei-Q" (モダニズムの光跡: 恩地孝四郎・椎原治・瑛九) / "Traces of Light in Modernism: Koshiro Onchi, Osamu Shiihara and Ei-Kyu". National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, February–March 1997. The work of Kōshirō Onchi, Osamu Shiihara, and Ei-Q.[8]
"Demokurāto 1951–1957: Kaihō sareta sengo bijutsu" (デモクラート1951-1957 開放された戦後美術). Museum of Modern Art, Saitama, August–October 1999.[9]
"Ei-Q no himitsu-ten: Āto ni deau natsu" (瑛九のヒミツ展 アートにであう夏) vol. 2. Fukuoka Art Museum (Fukuoka), July–August 2000.[10]
"Ei-Q, Ay-O, Ikeda Masuo" (瑛久 靉嘔 池田満寿夫) Sayama Shiritsu Hakubutsukan (Sayama), October–December 2000. An exhibition of Ei-Q, Ay-O and Masuo Ikeda.[11]
"Urawa gaka to sono jidai: Terauchi Manjirō, Ei-Q, Takada Makoto o chūshin ni" (浦和画家とその時代 寺内万治郎・瑛九・高田誠). Urawa Art Museum (Urawa), 2000. (in Japanese) Catalogue of the opening exhibition of the museum, on the painters of Urawa, and particularly Manjirō Terauchi, Ei-Q, and Makoto Takada.[12]
"Ei-Q foto-dessan-ten" (瑛九フォト・デッサン展) / "Ei-Q Photo Dessin". National Museum of Art, Osaka (Suita), October–December 2005.[13]
"Ei-Q-ten" (瑛九展). Kawagoe Gallery, February 2006.[14]
"Ei-Q to sono shūhen" (瑛九とその周辺). Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts (Machida), June–September 2008.[15]
"Ei-Q-ten" (瑛九展). Kawagoe Gallery, September 2008.[16]
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06

Q Ei
Two people
H25 × W30 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
Q Ei, whose early work was done under his real name of Hideo Sugita, was born in Miyazaki Prefecture in 1911. At age 15, his criticism started appearing in the art magazines "Atelier" and "Mizue". Q Ei’s first collection of photo-dessins, was published in 1936 as "The Reason for Sleep" (Nemuri No Riyu). In 1937, he set up the art organization "Free Art Association" (Jiyu Bijutsu Kyokai). As to criticize the established public group and Japan art world, he set up "Democratic Artists Association" in 1951.
Q Ei had great influence among the young Japanese artists at that time such as Ay-O, Masuo IKEDA, Yukihisa ISOBE, On KAWARA, and Eikoh HOSOE. He challenged various medium such as oil paintings, photo-dessins, prints, and created a unique world of art. He died in 1960 at the age of 48.
"Ei-Q photo-dessins" (瑛九フォト・デッサン). 1936.[7]
"Ei-Q photo-dessins" (瑛九フォト・デッサン). 1951.[7]
"Dai ikkai Tōkyō kokusai hanga biennāre-ten" (第1回東京国際版画ビエンナーレ展, i.e. the first Tokyo international biennale of wood engravings). 1957.[7]
"Ei-Q kaiko-ten" (瑛九回顧展). 1970.[7]
"Modanizumu no kōseki: Onchi Kōshirō, Ei-Q" (モダニズムの光跡: 恩地孝四郎・椎原治・瑛九) / "Traces of Light in Modernism: Koshiro Onchi, Osamu Shiihara and Ei-Kyu". National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, February–March 1997. The work of Kōshirō Onchi, Osamu Shiihara, and Ei-Q.[8]
"Demokurāto 1951–1957: Kaihō sareta sengo bijutsu" (デモクラート1951-1957 開放された戦後美術). Museum of Modern Art, Saitama, August–October 1999.[9]
"Ei-Q no himitsu-ten: Āto ni deau natsu" (瑛九のヒミツ展 アートにであう夏) vol. 2. Fukuoka Art Museum (Fukuoka), July–August 2000.[10]
"Ei-Q, Ay-O, Ikeda Masuo" (瑛久 靉嘔 池田満寿夫) Sayama Shiritsu Hakubutsukan (Sayama), October–December 2000. An exhibition of Ei-Q, Ay-O and Masuo Ikeda.[11]
"Urawa gaka to sono jidai: Terauchi Manjirō, Ei-Q, Takada Makoto o chūshin ni" (浦和画家とその時代 寺内万治郎・瑛九・高田誠). Urawa Art Museum (Urawa), 2000. (in Japanese) Catalogue of the opening exhibition of the museum, on the painters of Urawa, and particularly Manjirō Terauchi, Ei-Q, and Makoto Takada.[12]
"Ei-Q foto-dessan-ten" (瑛九フォト・デッサン展) / "Ei-Q Photo Dessin". National Museum of Art, Osaka (Suita), October–December 2005.[13]
"Ei-Q-ten" (瑛九展). Kawagoe Gallery, February 2006.[14]
"Ei-Q to sono shūhen" (瑛九とその周辺). Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts (Machida), June–September 2008.[15]
"Ei-Q-ten" (瑛九展). Kawagoe Gallery, September 2008.[16]
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06

H24 × W30 cm
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06
Artist Profile
Matsumoto Shunsuke was Born April 19th, 1912 in Shibuya, Tokyo, under the name of Sato. He spent his childhood in Hanamaki, Iwate Prefecture, and in Morioka as well and in 1925 entered Morioka Middle School.
Funakoshi Yasutake was in the same grade. The same year he entered school he caught epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis and lost his hearing. As a result of his hearing loss he began to have aspirations to becoming a painter and in 1929 his third year of middle school he left school and moved to Tokyo.
While taking elective courses at the Taihei Yogakai Institute, he became close with Aso Saburo and Terada Masaaki. In 1935 he presented works in the Fifth Nova Exhibition, and his work Buildings was first accepted in the 22nd Nika Exhibition. He continued presenting in the Nika Exhibitions until 1943. In that time, as well as receiving an award for Cityscape in the 27th Exhibition and being recommended for the Nika society member for his Portrait of the Artist in the 28th Exhibition, he also presented Standing Figure (29th Exhibition) and many others.
He also participated in the Kyushitsukai and became a member. In 1936 he got married and changed his last name to Matsumoto, named his studio Sogokobo and along with his wife Teiko, created a new drawing and essay magazine, "Zakkicho". In opposition to an article discussing wartime cooperation in the January issue of Mizue Art Magazine, Matsumoto presented Living Artists in the April issue. The same year he also opened a joint exhibition with Yasutake Funakoshi at the Kawatoku Gallery in Morioka. In 1943 he formed the Shinjin Gakai with seven others, including Aimitsu, Aso Saburo, and Terada Masaaki. This society opened three exhibitions.
In post-war 1946 with the widespread distribution of a piece of the "Questioning all Artists of Japan", Matsumoto set up an artists' organization and helped to revitalize the lost sense of community and partnership among artists. In 1947, along with the members of the Shinjin Gakai, he participated in the Jiyu Bijutsuka Kyokai. In 1948 while working on two pieces, Woman with a Sculpted Head and Building, for the Second Bijutsudantai Rengo Exhibition sponsored by the Mainichi Newspaper, he became sick and died in his home, Tokyo on June 8th at the age of thirty-six.
Matsumoto's works start off in his early years in a style likened to that of Modigliani, and in his later years his art is characterized by delicate matiere and unemotional lines used to portray city motifs in an intimate manner.
Detail- SECTION:
- Galleries
- W06